GUERNSEY, Michael Eddie “Big Mike" passed away Tuesday evening, February 14, 2017. Mike was born November 26, 1955 in Kalamazoo, MI the son of the late Arlington and Lila Guernsey. He enjoyed drag racing his car, Earthquake Camaro at Martin Dragway, flying RC airplanes, hot rods, and being on his ham radio fighting on 20 Meters. Mike was a people person who always had a good story for his friends and family. He also enjoyed spending time with his grandkids. He is survived by his son, Michael A. (Kristie) Guernsey; and 4 grandchildren, Ethan, Alexis, Oliver and Alyssa. There will be no visitation. A graveside service will be held at 2:00pm Friday, February 24 in East Cooper Cemetery. A memorial reception will follow at Parchment United Methodist Church, 225 Glendale Blvd in Parchment. Memorials may be directed to the family. ===== Mike was one of a kind. The DOJ rejected the EB's forfeiture order against Mike because the EB failed to follow proper procedures, failed to perform an inspection on the day of the alleged violation, and failed to place him at the controls of a radio station when the alleged violation occurred. Individuals associated with that rejected forfeiture are no longer working for the FCC. At times, Mike was incredibly helpful, and he was called "a hero" by officials at the White House, during Hurricane Katrina where Mike spent several days passing traffic with the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network. His work was recognized in a congressional report, and by Riley Hollingsworth at the FCC Enforcement Bureau, as follows: From: Riley Hollingsworth (Special Counsel, FCC) To: ND8VMIKE Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 9:12 AM Subject: RE: THANKYOU Thanks Mike. We did a lot of listening and you did a great job. Thanks very much for what you did, and as far as I'm concerned this makes everything squared away. We have closed your case. Enjoy the Amateur Radio Service, and avoid the Dickheads--give them no recognition and you'll be fine. I'll talk to you on the air sometime! Also, don't forget 17 meters--it's the best all around band we have. I'm there 90% of my operating time, but what I need is 90% MORE operating time! THANK YOU!! Uses and Capabilities of Amateur Radio Service Communications in Emergencies and Disaster Relief: Report to Congress DA-12-1342A1 "During Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, Amateur Radio was used to coordinate the information flow between relief centers, emergency operations centers, and shelters until normal communications systems were restored. It was also used to pass information to search and rescue units. The rescue of approximately 15 persons off of a roof of a house surrounded by floodwaters was directly attributed to information relayed via Amateur Radio using both HF [high frequency] and VHF/UHF frequencies. The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network handled over 20,000 health and welfare inquiries during Katrina’s aftermath. Similar stories are found in almost any tropical weather event. The Hurricane Katrina response demonstrates amateur radio operators’ ability to transfer information across wide areas even in the event of major disasters that destroy much of the surrounding infrastructure. It also demonstrates the importance of communications in saving lives and coordinating resources during major events." Mike was also instrumental in uncovering a Puerto Rican volunteer examiner licensing scandal, which earned him many enemies. "Hollingsworth also questioned Maia's report of a 1995 examination session that allegedly had not been publicly announced, for which only one VE was said to have been in attendance, where an applicant said he was turned away for not having an appointment, and where no Morse code tapes were available, even though tests were being given for licenses above Technician. The FCC recently canceled the licenses of 24 Puerto Rico licensees who had been examined through the W5YI-VEC after the licensees failed to appear for retesting as requested." Mike also blew the whistle on a Canadian military impostor, who falsely claimed to be a Naval Captain in conjunction with the fraudulent receipt of Veteran's license plates from the Royal Canadian Legion. After a thorough investigation, which also included Canadian amateurs as complainants, and the RCMP and Canadian Security Service, and the Military Police adjacent to the Royal Military College (who were all simultaneously investigating the Canadian fraud) the Royal Canadian Legion revoked the plates. Both of these scandals, where Mike was a whistle-blower, caused Mike to be victimized by the filing of literally dozens of fake complaints. It is true that Mike had sharp elbows and was extremely territorial; he didn't tolerate any operation too close to his preferred frequencies; he often used coarse language, and; he was often uncouth on the air. Even his close friends chastised him for being less friendly than he might have been. Although Mike and I were not close, we did talk from time to time (when he let put in a word edgewise). Despite very rough edges and a hair trigger, Mike undeniably made many positive contributions to amateur radio, and he made quite a few close friends because of his outspoken defense of Veterans, and the country he loved, and because of his dedication to emergency service in the Amateur bands, especially during hurricane season, year after year. R.I.P. ===== Mike was a heck of a guy, and a straight shooter. You never had to question how he felt about you as he made it quite clear and transparent. He was unusually blunt and to the point, I really appreciated that aspect of his personality. Controversial at times ? Yep...... and that made him interesting to listen too. He carried a vast knowledge of many subjects and always had pertinent information to add to most any conversation he joined. He would go above and beyond to help anyone he could, spending time helping others work through problems with sage advice and humor. I'll miss Mikey on the air, he was truly one of a kind and a friend to me. Rest in peace ol buddy...... I'll remember you fondly. ===== I cannot say better than those who have posted tributes to Mike, KZ8O. And as for those who throw dung: "You know the quality of a man by the character of his enemies." Which is certainly true in this case. KZ8O and VE7KFM: All the proof one needs that "The Good Die Young." Mike's defeat of arrogant, over-reaching, lawless and incompetent Demoncrat-hired FCC Enforcement tools and stooges will be long remembered. As the new Administration continues to "take out the garbage," one hopes the FCC employees who remember they are servants of The People will gain the upper hand, following procedures and laws again. If so, Mike will have contributed his share to that great reform. Requiescat in pace, Mike. "Good night, sweet prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest." ===== I've spoken to Mike a few times. He was always respectable to me. Ya always get what you give. I'm sorry to hear he's passed. I've listened to his 'antics' for years. The profanity you heard was probably from the notorious nutcase, VE7KFM. Why he is still alive and breathing alludes me..... ===== VE7KFM benefits from Canada's EXTREMELY lax enforcement of that country's amateur radio laws. Apparently the Canadian Parliament farmed out responsibility for amateur radio to something called "Industry Canada". Industry Canada then essentially recused itself from enforcing Canadian ham radio law. Apparently there are few hams left in Canada, and amateur radio has been left to die on the vine. If not for the insistence of American hams that the FCC not neglect amateur radio, the same would be happening here. ==== Sorry to here of Mike's passing. Although I never met him in person, I did have some nice QSOs with him. He may have been rough around the edges at times and abrubt with those that gave him QRM, but I'd be willing to bet that his family would tell you that he was a good-hearted kind man. That is the side of Mike that I knew. RIP Mike. ===== Speaking of the mentally ill op in Canada, I heard the fool repeatedly mention that Mikey 'cheated' the FCC out of their money. This (as usual) is a blatant lie. Despite 13 meaningless warnings and a $22,000 forfeiture order, Mikey was never found in violation of federal regulations by any judicial authority whatsoever. No FCC administrative law judge, no federal district court judge, no judicial process, whatsoever. The fact that he may have been contacted by employees of the FCC about various complaints, has less meaning and importance than the average speeding ticket. In fact, the US Attorney, at the Department of Justice, completely rejected all of the FCC's allegations against Big Mike. Opinions about Mike vary, but the fact is, Mike was never found in violation of federal regulations by any duly authorized judicial authority. ===== One has to consider the source of that blatant misinformation from the nut job in Canada, who, BTW from what I have heard around the bands, takes full credit for the NALs being issues to start with. Whatever. The facts are the facts, we saw the posting of the NAL notice and we have seen nothing more about it. So, whatever happens, happened, etc., is OBE (Overcome by events) now....time to move on.... =====