Canada's Amateur Exam Study Guide - Saanich, B.C. Edition

Canadian Ham Exam - Saanich Edition

[Courtesy of the Karol Madera Radio School]

Q1. Another name for men who like men.

A1. Fucking Faggots!

Q2. What's the first question you should you ask others on the air?

A2. Would you like to suck my cock?

Q3. If you want to impress other amateurs, what should you do?

A3. Tell them you attended Canada's "West Point"

(but don't mention you fell down a hatch and broke your neck while drunk and on duty).

Q4. How much power should you run on the 20m band?

A4. All knobs to the right!

Q5. What should you do if the frequency is in use?

A5. Call Donny or David or any unlicensed station.

Q6. Is it legal to transmit tape recordings?

A6. Only when it's an 18 minute recording of another ham saying "motherfucker" over and over again.

Q7. What should you do if people report your illegal on-air activity?

A7. Create a libelous webpage about the fuck-tards!

Q8. If an FCC official refers to you as a "fruitcake" at Dayton, how should you respond?

A8. Call him a fucking faggot and accuse him of getting BJ's in the Gettysburg bath house.

Q9. What should you do if people complain about your wide signal?

A9. Tell them you hope al Qaeda shoves their teeth out their asshole!

Q10. If people QRM your signals because you're a drunken moron, what should your response be?

A10. Come back to the frequency again and again and whine that you're being jammed.

If you answered correctly congratulations! You are now an amateur radio licensee in Saanich, British Columbia!

If you failed to answer at all, congratulations! You are now an amateur radio licensee in Saanich, British Columbia!

If you are a drunken idiot, congratulations! You are now an amateur radio licensee in Saanich, British Columbia!

Enjoy the friendly amateur radio bands!

~Jim Laursen, Industry Canada

Satire inspired by the comic stylings of Fox Smith, Headmaster of The Japanese Lolita Lollipop Sucking School for Girls